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Sussex Spaniels are a rare breed best characterized by their beautiful golden liver color, and rather massive, long, low and level, body frame. Although, adopted into the AKC as one of the first nine breeds, they are now classified as vulnerable for extinction, and their very existence is entirely dependent on the small, passionate group of preservation breeders, working to keep them in our future.
My background is with field dogs and hunting spaniels, and I met my first Sussex at a hunt test in 1998. I was instantly smitten and vowed to own one someday.
I hit the ground running with my first show Sussex, Maverick, winning 6 Owner Handler Best in Shows, multiple sporting group placements and consistent national rankings. Since 2013, As an owner-handler, I've finished 13 Grand Champions (GCH) and have earned Top 5 Westminster invitations for Maverick, Frank, Marv and Bruce. Eighteen (18) AKC Show Champions have been Hellfire bred - two are multiple specialty (MBISS) winners. Four consecutive generations of my Sussex are Grand Champions.
I enjoy training and competing to the highest levels in AKC Conformation, Obedience, Rally, Hunt Test, Tracking, and Barn Hunt events all over the US. My little brown dogs love learning new things, and with patience and persistence, Sussex can make wonderful and rewarding versatile companion dogs.
Our Sussex are immaculately maintained and are full time house dogs. Hellfire only breeds champion titled adults that have passed heart, hearing, eyes and DNA health screenings. We only breed for personal use and keep all show quality puppies. Occasionally we offer a retired adult to a quiet, child free home.
Hellfires Dancing in the Dark -a Best in Specialty winner from the Bred By Class, Multiple Best in Specialty X4, Multiple Reserve Best in Show X3 winner.
Our breeding dogs are joint/eyes/BAER hearing, heart and DNA health screened. We only use specialists. Our OFA results are public.
GCH CH Hellfire Has Faith in Me, aka Large Marge, is a Faith X Maverick daughter. She is obsessed with cheese.
Hellfires Twinkle of Faith is littermate to GCH Margery and CH Poppy - from the second Maverick X Faith litter. Everyone loves Twinky, she is gentle, quiet and sweet.
The dorky and fabulous GG, GCH CH Hellfires Serendipity is Marvelous, has never had a bad day in her life. She is very upbeat and happy, especially houndy and I'm not afraid to admit that she is my very favorite Sussex. I adore her.
Hellfires Marvelous Serendipity aka Gwynnie is a litter sister to GG and mom to Knox and BISS Bruce. Gwynnie is short legged and stout with a perfect topline and gorgeous front, She is never naughty, and is always nice, I wish all my Sussex were Gwynnies.
Hellfires Rogue One is my dad's house pet and couch potato. In May she had never seen a show lead in her life, by June she was a Champion, by October a Grand! Sooo much drama with this dog, but she will always be one of my most rewarding show dogs.
Orions You Gotta Have Faith was our foundation matriarch - she left behind a legacy of long, luxurious ears and gentle, sweet temperaments - I miss her!
Hellfires There and Back finished as she began, with 5 point majors and Best of Breed wins over Specials. The gorgeous Smoosh got her name after being squashed like a pancake after birth - and somehow I brought her back!
Baby Olive - another singleton and the very last of Marv's daughters. Olive finished her Championship fast and is just a few points shy of her Grand Championship now.
Baby Olive is all grown up!